Posted BY: Thomas Klocek
The release of the recordings of the supposed January 6, 2021 “insurrection” (J6) has sparked a lot of controversies in the media and on Capitol Hill. The J6 event was reported by the congressional “investigation” and the media as a catastrophe, akin to or worse than 9/11. Oops, now the truth is coming out with the release of over 40,000 hours of video surrounding the event, and we are finding it is nothing like what was depicted. Similarly, we have been told for almost three years how devastating COVID-19 was and that it originated in a market in Wuhan, China. Oops, again. Now the U.S. Department of Energy says the most likely source was a lab leak in Wuhan, China. For three years this was decried as false. Also, over the past three years we were told of the over a million deaths due to COVID, but how were these counted raises some eyebrows.
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A 2021 American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) report noted “the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said this when asked about people who have COVID-19 but die from preexisting conditions: ‘If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.’” Early on there were reports of people dying in automobile accidents but, testing positive for COVID, were reported as COVID deaths. Additionally, the CDC has since noted that perhaps 75% of those who died during the pandemic died with COVID as opposed to because of COVID. The CDC reported, “In January 2022, the proportion of deaths with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death was ~85%. By April 2022, it had declined to 60–70% and stayed at that level through September 2022.
The post How the Media Doubles Down on Falsehood first appeared on Nwo Report.